BLT Club Sandwich Delight

This BLT Club Sandwich Delight is sure to energize you! Enjoy this delicious sandwich made with turkey bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, guacamole, quinoa and shrimp for a twist on the traditional BLT sandwich. Paired with an American Pale Ale, this sandwich is sure to brighten up your mealtime! Enjoy!

BLT Club Sandwich Delight

This BLT Club Sandwich Delight is sure to energize you! Enjoy this delicious sandwich made with turkey bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, guacamole, quinoa and shrimp for a twist on the traditional BLT sandwich. Paired with an American Pale Ale, this sandwich is sure to brighten up your mealtime! Enjoy!

Sandwich Prep


BLT Club Sandwich Delight!
-2 slices gluten-free whole wheat bread
-3 oz cooked turkey bacon
-2 slices tomatoes
-1 lettuce leaf
-1/2 cup cooked quinoa
-2 tbsp guacamole
-1/4 cup cooked jumbo shrimp
-1/2 tbsp olive oil
-3-4 dashes garlic powder

1. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add olive oil.
2. Place turkey bacon in the skillet and cook for 4-6 minutes until lightly browned and crispy.
3. Toast gluten-free bread and spread guacamole on each slice.
4. Layer lettuce, tomato slices and cooked bacon on one piece of toast.
5. In a separate bowl, mix together cooked quinoa and cooked shrimp.
6. Top bacon layer with quinoa-shrimp mixture.
7. Sprinkle garlic powder over the top, and top with remaining piece of toast.
8. Slice in half and enjoy!

Nutrition Information:
Calories: 645
Total Fat: 37.3g
Total Carbohydrates: 41.6g
Protein: 33.6g

Beer Pairing:
For this delicious sandwich, an American Pale Ale like Pliny the Elder would be a great pairing. The citrusy hopps and slight malty sweetness of the beer will bring out the flavors of the bacon and tomatoes.

The History of the BLT Club Sandwich Delight

The BLT sandwich has been around for centuries. Traditionally made with bacon, lettuce and tomato, it is thought to be an American creation that was influenced by French cuisine. Even the French may have gotten the idea from the British Club Sandwich which was the original precursor of the BLT.

Popularity of the BLT Club Sandwich

The popular BLT Club Sandwich Delight has been around since at least the 1950s, and has become a classic for lunch counters, restaurants, and home kitchens around the world. It typically combines bacon, lettuce, and tomato with mayonnaise inside two slices of toasted white bread. But the BLT Club Sandwich Delight expands on this classic sandwich by adding extra ingredients such as cheese, avocado, and various types of breads or bread products. This expanded version of the BLT has become a popular staple in many restaurants and kitchens of all kinds.

Substitutes for Gluten Allergies

Individuals with gluten allergies can substitute gluten-free bread and gluten-free mayonnaise for the traditional BLT Club Sandwich to accommodate dietary needs. The BLT can be made using a variety of breads such as rye, sourdough, ciabatta, and even gluten-free bread. Additionally, the ingredients can be changed to fit individual preferences such as using different types of cheeses, adding lean turkey or ham, and using vegan mayonnaise.

Interesting facts

One interesting fact about the BLT Club Sandwich Delight is that it has become an umbrella term for sandwiches of similar type. For example, a salad sandwich or a turkey club sandwich is a variation of the BLT Club Sandwich Delight, as is the classic bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Additionally, the sandwich itself has grown from a traditional style “club” sandwich to include a variety of other types such as the “open face” and “open sandwich”.


In conclusion, the BLT Club Sandwich Delight is a classic sandwich that has become a staple in many restaurants and homes. It has grown and changed over the years, and now includes other ingredients such as meat, cheese, and avocado, as well as different types of breads. The sandwich can also be modified to fit dietary needs by using gluten-free bread and mayonnaise.


Wikipedia – BLT sandwich
Wikipedia – Club sandwich